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Terms of use

About copyright ownership

The rights of the voice banks and characters published on this site are held by 恺言 / Melusine Kyanos.

When users use voice bank(s), by default you abide by the following:


1. the user undertakes to abide by these terms of use.

2. the user agrees to comply with this request when Melusine Kyanos asks to stop using it.



Users are free to do the following without having to contact me

  • Publish doujin works on the Internet and publishing related materials

  • Processing/altering/correcting audio files within the scope of personal use

  • Pornographic expressions under NC-17 (not including direct depictions of sexual organs and acts)

  • Slightly (battle scenes, bloodshed, etc.) violence/hunting

  • Costume changes, gender changes, age changes, anthropomorphization of non-human characters, etc. that change the appearance of the character

The following actions needing contact with me

  • Cosplay activities of any kind, including the production of costumes

  • Death scenes, heavy gore, and anthrolized in the direction of gore

  • Dubbing of original soundtracks and waviness charts with your own modifications

The following actions are strictly prohibited

  • Direct role-playing activities such as vtubers, roleplaying on any site, and character robots making

  • Re-uploading voice bank files, character information and artwork on this site to public sites (including the use of avatars/covers, etc.)

  • All doujin activities in reality and commercial works

  • Use the sound source for other characters/people's voices (still  prohibited after up/down tuning) , etc.

  • Shipping with other characters/relationship (only ok in songs/artworks of PV)

  • Expressions related to political and religious propaganda

Additional information

  • When using voice bank(s), please make sure to mark the name of the vb in a prominent place.

  • Please be sure to ask for permission when using other people's secondary creations/ doujins.

  • The formula settings such as height, weight, and personality are for reference only and may be changed to suit the needs of the song.

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