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POI code:MPD-A230615



Real name:Orion



Age:Not yet twenty years after leaving the factory

Height:About 163cm

Hobby:Sneaking up on Karasu 

and provoke a fight with her

Likes:Karasu, mochi chocolate sandwich cookies, cheese,

MMA competition

Dislikes:Karasu, GHOSTWHITE, smug people

Super Power:PlanarianRecord


An humanoid created by an organization after the collapse of the Kazanin family. The genes of the Kazanin family were used in the creation of the bioroids, so she has certain Kazanin characteristics (small wings on her backs) and appear to be teenagers, and gave the earliest The finished product is named O.R.I.O.N. However, this research has attracted the vigilance of rival companies, so they hired the scavenger Karasu to get rid of O.R.I.O.N. Karasu successfully completed the task, did not expect O.R.I.O.N.'s powers were triggered, from the near-death state to come back to life and record the last person who killed her, that is, Karasu's powers, thus possessing a scythe shaped by mental power. She managed to escape after almost being dismantled by the garbage disposal site, and after that she called herself Orion and kept investigating the details of the woman in black who had killed her once, and eventually joined the scavengers as a result, but would still provoke Karasu when she could.
In her spare time, she would go to see MMA tournaments and place bets, and from this point of view, she adapted to the life of an ordinary person (?) very quickly. Although the amount of money won was not much, she did not lose much either.



Voice: Melusine Kyanos

Voice Bank Making: Haiyou


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